Sunday, December 29, 2019

How Drug Use And Addiction - 878 Words

Drug use and addiction has always been a topic of discussion for many people. None of it being good nonetheless, but it has been a topic on people’s minds. In our society today there is still a stigma attached to drug users and even worse drug addicts. The feelings are always geared towards shaming the user or addict and not much else. The really divisive idea being if addiction is actually a choice a person makes or if it is a disease. Most knowledge and discussion about this either leans one way or the other with both sides not giving in to the opposing sides point of view. When being faced with this topic I feel that it first becomes a choice to use the drug whether it is peer pressure or just natural curiosity. Whatever the reason it may be, it is still a choice. After using the drug for an extended period of time, chronic addiction does come into play making addiction a disease. By addiction being a disease means that the drug even after the first few tries alters the bra in chemical activity and functions. Dependency on a drug does not have to include physical withdrawal symptoms because by ingesting any foreign chemicals into the body it would eventually have some type of effect on your body and brain composition. For example, if a person ingests too many calories there change in body weight, and the same goes for drugs and how they have a change on the brains neuro functions. Both articles argue the two opposing sides about drug use and addiction. Heyman s articleShow MoreRelatedHow Drug Addiction / Use / Trafficking Should Be Handled2021 Words   |  9 Pagesis formally known to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, which seems to be ironic due to the prevalent drug restrictions that have opressed demographics into anything but freedom. 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