Thursday, December 5, 2019

Capital Structure and Sustainability System †

Question: Discuss about the Capital Structure and Sustainability System. Answer: Introduction The transition planned by the organizations depends on the needs of their sustainability and growth. The understanding of the urgency helps the organizations to modify based on the internal and the external changes of trends in the society or the structure. The adaptability of the organization to determine the change helps in determining the capability of the organization to sustain in the markets. Various resources are required by the organization for maintaining its sustenance in the markets. However, there are issues faced by the organizations while undertaking the change in the systems and the functioning of the same. The discussion that is being undertaken will be helping in enhancing the perception of the sustenance of the organizations in the market. However, the issues that are faced by the organizations relating to their sustenance are also being enumerated as a part of the discussion. Issues faced by organizations for sustainability in the market The week has helped me in understanding the different sustainability issues that are faced by the organizations while making the changes in the structure and the functioning of the business. According to Bogan (2012), the sustainability of the organizations is determined by the Triple Bottom Line, which helps in the determination of the concepts of sustainability conceived by the organization in the market. The introduction to the social and the humanitarian aspects of the sustainability of the organization is based on the proper functioning of the organization as per the norms of the society. On the other hand, the balance that the organization undertakes in its economic aspects helps in maintaining the position in the market. The proper understanding of the needs of conservation of the ecological resources has helped in maintaining the proper supply of the raw materials to the organization (Rosen Kishawy, 2012). The instructor pointed out the issues that the organizations might face while determining the transition initiatives is dependent on the factors of the imbalance in systems and functioning of the organization relating to the aspects of sustainability. In certain cases, the organizations compromise the humanitarian or the social approach in order to gain economic superiority in the market. The instructor cited the example of Amazon where the company has taken steps to maintain its profitability (Milne Gray, 2013). However, the company has failed to keep up with the promises of the humanitarian and the social based sustainability. Therefore, the organization faces a risk while retaining the human labor of the same. From the weeks lessons, I have learned the different aspects that are required to be taken by the organizations in order to maintain the sustainability of the same in the market. on the other hand, the issues that are being faced by the organizations while implementing the change based on the three faced model of sustainability has helped me in understanding the different aspects of the change in the market. We were introduced to the concepts of social, environmental and the economic sustainability and the manner in which the concepts affect the sustainability of the organization as a whole. Capitals required by organizations for sustenance The week has helped me in understanding the different capitals and their structures as they help the business in maintaining their sustainability in the markets. The different aspects of the capital are based on the understanding of the functioning of the business firms in the market (Benn, Edwards Williams, 2014). Sustenance of the organization is mainly characterized by its smooth functioning in the markets and thereby the capitals help the organizations to maintain their functioning on a smooth and uninterrupted basis. We were assigned by our instructor to identify the different capital structure of different organizations, which has helped in clearing the concepts of the capitals that are required by the organizations to undertake the smooth functioning as per the needs of the market. The understanding of the internal and the external capital helps in the determination of capabilities of the organization to bring in the changes as per the needs of the market. On the other hand, the determination of the human capital of the organization helps in determining the supporting force that helps in the smooth functioning of the processes of the organization to being in sustenance in their systems (Ehnert, Harry Zink, 2013). The determination of the capital and the manner in which they function as per the needs of the business helps the organization in maintaining the balance of sustenance in the markets. The week has helped me in understanding the different aspects of the capitals and the manner in which they are employed in the management of the organization in order to facilitate the sustenance. The difference in the capital structure and the management that is being undertaken by the organization helps in determining the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization in the market (Stoughton Ludema, 2012). The weeks lesson has helped me in understanding the importance of the different capitals that are used by the organizations to bring in the changes in the functioning of the same. The six phases of business approaches to sustainability The weeks class has helped me in understanding the different approaches that are being undertaken by the organization in order to support their cause of sustainability in the market. The major aspects of the approaches are based on the understanding of the needs of the organization to undertake the means of sustainability in the market. According to (Benn, Dunphy Griffiths, 2006) the six phases of sustainability approaches undertaken by the organization are Rejection, Non-responsiveness, Compliance, Efficiency, Strategic proactivity and the sustainable organization. It helps in the proper understanding of the different characteristic factors where the company manipulates over the functioning in order to gain the sustainability in the market as per the needs of the same. The understanding of the objectives of the organization helps in maintaining the balance of the sustainable options that affects the proper functioning of the organization in the market. The weeks lesson has helped me in understanding the different approaches that are being undertaken by the organizations in order to maintain the sustainability of the same in the market. On the other hand, the instructor undertook steps in order to cite examples from various organizations to make us aware of the changes in the structure and the functioning, which has helped the organizations to sustain in the global markets (Smith, 2012). The citation of the companies that have failed to sustain in the market has helped in clarifying the objective of the approaches of sustainability undertaken by the organizations. Conclusion Therefore, from the above lessons that we were taught in our class, which was held for three weeks has helped in the understanding of the different factors, that affects the sustainability of the organizations in the market. On the other hand, the classes have helped us in enumerating the different capital structure and functioning that helps the organizations in maintaining their sustenance in the markets. References Benn, S., Dunphy, D., Griffiths, A. (2006). Enabling change for corporate sustainability: An integrated perspective.Australasian Journal of Environmental Management,13(3), 156-165. Benn, S., Edwards, M., Williams, T. (2014).Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge. Bogan, V. L. (2012). Capital structure and sustainability: An empirical study of microfinance institutions.Review of Economics and Statistics,94(4), 1045-1058. Ehnert, I., Harry, W., Zink, K. J. (Eds.). (2013).Sustainability and human resource management: Developing sustainable business organizations. Springer Science Business Media. Milne, M. J., Gray, R. (2013). W (h) ither ecology? The triple bottom line, the global reporting initiative, and corporate sustainability reporting.Journal of business ethics,118(1), 13-29. Rosen, M. A., Kishawy, H. A. (2012). Sustainable manufacturing and design: Concepts, practices and needs.Sustainability,4(2), 154-174. Smith, P. A. (2012). The importance of organizational learning for organizational sustainability.The Learning Organization,19(1), 4-10. Stoughton, A. M., Ludema, J. (2012). The driving forces of sustainability.Journal of Organizational Change Management,25(4), 501-517.

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