Sunday, December 29, 2019

How Drug Use And Addiction - 878 Words

Drug use and addiction has always been a topic of discussion for many people. None of it being good nonetheless, but it has been a topic on people’s minds. In our society today there is still a stigma attached to drug users and even worse drug addicts. The feelings are always geared towards shaming the user or addict and not much else. The really divisive idea being if addiction is actually a choice a person makes or if it is a disease. Most knowledge and discussion about this either leans one way or the other with both sides not giving in to the opposing sides point of view. When being faced with this topic I feel that it first becomes a choice to use the drug whether it is peer pressure or just natural curiosity. Whatever the reason it may be, it is still a choice. After using the drug for an extended period of time, chronic addiction does come into play making addiction a disease. By addiction being a disease means that the drug even after the first few tries alters the bra in chemical activity and functions. Dependency on a drug does not have to include physical withdrawal symptoms because by ingesting any foreign chemicals into the body it would eventually have some type of effect on your body and brain composition. For example, if a person ingests too many calories there change in body weight, and the same goes for drugs and how they have a change on the brains neuro functions. Both articles argue the two opposing sides about drug use and addiction. Heyman s articleShow MoreRelatedHow Drug Addiction / Use / Trafficking Should Be Handled2021 Words   |  9 Pagesis formally known to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, which seems to be ironic due to the prevalent drug restrictions that have opressed demographics into anything but freedom. Throughout the late 1960s onto the late 1990s the issue of how drug addiction/use/trafficking should be handled was a very controversial subject in the United States. As the War on Drugs was introduc ed during the early 1970s so were the issues of mass incarceration and societal bias against minorities. NotRead MoreAddiction : A Familiar Term For Most Of The World1603 Words   |  7 PagesBehavior Dr. Kelly Bordner April 26, 2015 Addiction Addiction is a familiar term for most of the world. By its simplest definition, addiction is habitual drug use that causes negative effects on the user’s health and social life despite efforts to stop using (Pinel, J.P. 2013). Drugs have been a part of human society for thousands of years. The quest to alter one’s consciousness is not a new one. Millions of people worldwide suffer from various forms of drug addiction. 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Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers know more than ever about how drugs affec t the brain and haveRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Addiction952 Words   |  4 Pagesperson initially taking drugs can vary and while the action itself is voluntary: the eventual drug addiction is essentially involuntary. Drug addiction is a complex and chronic disease, a brain disease, which changes the way the brain functions. Drug addiction, much like chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes, disrupts healthy, normal functioning organs. This has harmful consequences that are both preventable and treatable (Branch, 2011, pp.263-265). Drug addiction is considered a brainRead MoreDrug Addiction And Its Effect On The Reward Circuit1207 Words   |  5 Pagesthe reward circuit is examined. Specifically, the association of drug addiction, as a result of stimulants, in response to increased levels of dopamine. I will begin by examining what defines an addiction, and what factors influence an individual to become drug dependent, as a result of abuse. I will be focusing on the reinforcing properties of the drug as well as, physical dependence, psychological dependence, social factors, drug availability and furthermore, the vulnerability of the individualRead Moreearly marriage779 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬Å"DRUG ADDICTION† A Research Paper submitted to: Maria Victoria V. Balaga Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School In partial fulfillment of the requirements in English IV By: MARK ATLEY INSONG GALVEZ MARIA AI AQUINO HIGA RAIZA VALERIANO JAWARI JOSE ENRIQUEZ NATIVIDAD JR HARVEY MORALES TATI IV-Adelfa Introduction-drug addiction is a very common problem. That usually under the business. addicted Isn’t using drugs. It about what the drug does toRead MoreRationalization Of Addictive Behaviors And How Society s Views Affect Addicts And Their Recovery1744 Words   |  7 Pages2015 Rationalization of Addictive Behaviors and how Society’s Views Affect Addicts and Their Recovery What kind of person does society picture when they think of an addict? How are addictions and addictive behaviors viewed as a whole? Whether it be drugs, actions, or behaviors, addictions can tear lives, families, and friendships apart and are never positive. But is it really the addict’s fault? Could it be a genetic flaw that fuels the addiction? Or are these addicts just lazy people with no selfRead MoreAddiction : Lack Of Will Power Or Brain Disease?1186 Words   |  5 Pages Addiction: Lack of Will Power or Brain Disease? Demonika M. Martin PS101 Introduction to Psychology Park University . I. Introduction Addiction is a disease that continues to fester and destroy individual’s lives. Once an individual is under the influence of drugs they no longer have control over their actions. Drug user’s brains are hijacked and taken on an explosive ride that begins with pleasure and ends in the damage of their brain. â€Å"Drug use is on the rise in this country andRead MoreAddiction as a Disease: Addiction is a term that has traditionally been used to refer to1400 Words   |  6 PagesAddiction as a Disease: Addiction is a term that has traditionally been used to refer to psychiatric syndrome that is caused by illicit drug use. Actually, addition is the only psychiatric condition whose symptoms are regarded as an illegal activity. In most cases, this term is described on the basis of drug use, which is the main focus of many research and treatment programs. Generally, drug addiction has significant negative effects on individuals using the drug and those around them such as

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Community Health Promotion Plan For The City Of Hartford

Community Health Promotion Plan for the city of Hartford I have chosen to focus my paper on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke within the homeless population. I have been encountered with many residents at the homeless shelter I am currently working at with severe hypertension. Some of the residents have expressed little or no interest in learning how this can affect their long term health. It seems necessary to provide a health promotion plan in helping this community better manage their risk factors in preventing CVD or even a stroke from happening. According to, Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and accounts for more than 17.3 million deaths per year and is expected to grow to over 23.6 million by the year 2030 (Heart Disease, Stroke and Research At-a-Glance, 2016). Heart disease and stroke is a major concern both locally and nationwide, Healthy People 2020 stated, â€Å"heart disease is the leading cause of death, and that stroke is the fifth le ading cause of death in the U.S., together they are the most widespread and costly facing the nation today† ( In this country there is an increase in the homeless population in both in rural and urban areas in the United States. This is due to the increase in housing prices, and the rise in poverty level in this country. Studies have shown that, â€Å"poverty has been deemed one of the major societal determinants of cardiovascular disease worldwide† (Charlotte). CardiovascularShow MoreRelatedEssay JP Morgan4959 Words   |  20 Pageswealth in an era of little government regulation. The wealth of the Morgan family did not begin with Pierpont but with his grandfather Joseph Morgan. Joseph prospered as a hotelkeeper in Hartford, Connecticut. 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His business concept for the airline was simple: attract passengers by flying convenientRead MoreCsr Communication in the Pharma Industry35538 Words   |  143 Pages11 11 11 13 13 13 15 16 18 20 20 23 23 27 28 31 33 38 40 40 41 42 43 45 2 CSR COMMUNICATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Josà © Javier Levrino 3. CSR in the pharmaceutical industry 3.1. Introduction to the pharmaceutical industry 3.2. Health and the pharmaceutical industry 3.3. Why do companies in the pharmaceutical industry get involved in CSR? 3.4. Pharmaceuticals and CSR: the importance of stakeholders 4. Introduction to the analysis of the websites 4.1. Communicating CSR through websitesRead MoreImpact of Microfinance awareness in Kenya12633 Words   |  51 PagesMICROFINANCE AWARENESS AND IMPACT IN KENYA: A CASE OF NAIROBI COUNTY Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The need for development that saw the Kenya develop several strategies and plans such as the vision 2030 and the millennium development goals has led to development of the finance sector. The need for financing of the development projects has developed microfinance institutions in the country. Microfinance has received a lot of attentionRead MoreCobit Framework21120 Words   |  85 Pagesnano-seconds, ISACA has moved with agility and speed to bridge the needs of the international business community and the IT controls profession. 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Nontraditional investment approaches will also be examined. These include investments in disabled employees, investments in employee health, and countercyclical hiring. HUMAN RESOURCE INVESTMENT CONSIDERATIONS Several factors will be considered in the discussion of strategic human resource investment decisions. As noted earlier, these will include management’s values, views of risk

Friday, December 13, 2019

Admission Essay Writing Free Essays

Your admission essay is possibly the most important aspect of your application package, as it is this document that sets you apart from the competition. Our company provides high quality admissions essays that delve into the unique attributes of the applicant and collate them with the requirements of their specific college. Provide us with the bare facts of your accomplishments, and we create a document that presents these in the best possible light to enhance your image to the admissions committee. We will write a custom essay sample on Admission Essay Writing or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our Expertise Our writers have upwards of ten years experience writing in this field, and the essays we produce have been consistently successful in helping gain admission to the most prestigious colleges. One of our secrets is that many of our writers have themselves sat on admissions committees for these academic institutions and know precisely what they require. Plus our writers are versatile and can take even the most nondescript academic profile and with creativity turn it into something that will catch the eye of any admissions board. Our Value We offer you the best combination of pricing and quality on the market. The value you’ll get with our company far outweighs the price you’ll pay, as we fix our prices to remain competitive with all others while offering a much better service. Plus, we guarantee that you’ll be satisfied or we’ll keep revising your work until you are. Our Plagiarism Guarantee No plagiarism will ever be found in any essay we deliver to you, and that is a 100% guarantee. Our writers are held to strict levels of integrity. Furthermore, we check ever paper with anti-plagiarism software before it gets to you so that any (unlikely) possibility of plagiarism is eliminated. Our Flexibility Our company schedules its writers around the clock so that we can meet any deadline. We service regular orders with deadlines within a week or a few days, but we even work on express orders that are due within hours. In fact, our quick and efficient experts can have your work ready even within six (6) hours of when you submit it. Â   Dissertation Services Our Versatility Dissertations are probably the crown of the entire graduate career, and they can sometimes be the hardest part to complete. Our flexible and versatile writers are here for you to provide entire dissertations or to complete any part of one that you may need done. We’ll provide the introduction, literature review, methodology, data analysis, results, conclusion and more. We will also do work on research proposals. Thesis Statement We craft your thesis statements carefully, making sure that they reflect the resolution of a true hypothesis that can be adequately dealt with within the scope of your dissertation. We also pay close attention to the statement’s claims and the assumptions on which it is based, so that it delineates a clear and sensible direction for your dissertation. Research Proposal Our writers have years of experience putting together proposals that seek out areas in which seminal research may be conducted. We are experts at marrying passion and academic inquiry and at finding and communicating the areas in which research has the potential to improve the current situation. Research Methodology The detailed nature of methodologies makes it necessary for researchers to be very meticulous—and this is precisely the quality that our writers bring to the table. We pay the minute attention to the details of your project and scrutinize every aspect of the procedures. Furthermore, our writers have more than ten years of experience implementing and recording various frameworks and designs for research, so that every methodology will always be well chosen and appropriate for the research. Data/Statistical Analysis Our in-house writers consist of many statisticians and other researchers who have had years of exposure to the methods of data analysis that are appropriate for any type of research. Our writers can perform quantitative or qualitative analysis upon any form of data you give. In addition, we have state-of-the-art STATA and SPSS software (among others) that will make your results as accurate as possible. Formatting We provide formatting services that gives you dissertation the professional look that you desire every single time. This service improves the layout and graphic content of your paper. (Please note that this is not the service that provides proofreading or editing, which must be ordered separately.) How to cite Admission Essay Writing, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Capital Structure and Sustainability System †

Question: Discuss about the Capital Structure and Sustainability System. Answer: Introduction The transition planned by the organizations depends on the needs of their sustainability and growth. The understanding of the urgency helps the organizations to modify based on the internal and the external changes of trends in the society or the structure. The adaptability of the organization to determine the change helps in determining the capability of the organization to sustain in the markets. Various resources are required by the organization for maintaining its sustenance in the markets. However, there are issues faced by the organizations while undertaking the change in the systems and the functioning of the same. The discussion that is being undertaken will be helping in enhancing the perception of the sustenance of the organizations in the market. However, the issues that are faced by the organizations relating to their sustenance are also being enumerated as a part of the discussion. Issues faced by organizations for sustainability in the market The week has helped me in understanding the different sustainability issues that are faced by the organizations while making the changes in the structure and the functioning of the business. According to Bogan (2012), the sustainability of the organizations is determined by the Triple Bottom Line, which helps in the determination of the concepts of sustainability conceived by the organization in the market. The introduction to the social and the humanitarian aspects of the sustainability of the organization is based on the proper functioning of the organization as per the norms of the society. On the other hand, the balance that the organization undertakes in its economic aspects helps in maintaining the position in the market. The proper understanding of the needs of conservation of the ecological resources has helped in maintaining the proper supply of the raw materials to the organization (Rosen Kishawy, 2012). The instructor pointed out the issues that the organizations might face while determining the transition initiatives is dependent on the factors of the imbalance in systems and functioning of the organization relating to the aspects of sustainability. In certain cases, the organizations compromise the humanitarian or the social approach in order to gain economic superiority in the market. The instructor cited the example of Amazon where the company has taken steps to maintain its profitability (Milne Gray, 2013). However, the company has failed to keep up with the promises of the humanitarian and the social based sustainability. Therefore, the organization faces a risk while retaining the human labor of the same. From the weeks lessons, I have learned the different aspects that are required to be taken by the organizations in order to maintain the sustainability of the same in the market. on the other hand, the issues that are being faced by the organizations while implementing the change based on the three faced model of sustainability has helped me in understanding the different aspects of the change in the market. We were introduced to the concepts of social, environmental and the economic sustainability and the manner in which the concepts affect the sustainability of the organization as a whole. Capitals required by organizations for sustenance The week has helped me in understanding the different capitals and their structures as they help the business in maintaining their sustainability in the markets. The different aspects of the capital are based on the understanding of the functioning of the business firms in the market (Benn, Edwards Williams, 2014). Sustenance of the organization is mainly characterized by its smooth functioning in the markets and thereby the capitals help the organizations to maintain their functioning on a smooth and uninterrupted basis. We were assigned by our instructor to identify the different capital structure of different organizations, which has helped in clearing the concepts of the capitals that are required by the organizations to undertake the smooth functioning as per the needs of the market. The understanding of the internal and the external capital helps in the determination of capabilities of the organization to bring in the changes as per the needs of the market. On the other hand, the determination of the human capital of the organization helps in determining the supporting force that helps in the smooth functioning of the processes of the organization to being in sustenance in their systems (Ehnert, Harry Zink, 2013). The determination of the capital and the manner in which they function as per the needs of the business helps the organization in maintaining the balance of sustenance in the markets. The week has helped me in understanding the different aspects of the capitals and the manner in which they are employed in the management of the organization in order to facilitate the sustenance. The difference in the capital structure and the management that is being undertaken by the organization helps in determining the change in the structure and the functioning of the organization in the market (Stoughton Ludema, 2012). The weeks lesson has helped me in understanding the importance of the different capitals that are used by the organizations to bring in the changes in the functioning of the same. The six phases of business approaches to sustainability The weeks class has helped me in understanding the different approaches that are being undertaken by the organization in order to support their cause of sustainability in the market. The major aspects of the approaches are based on the understanding of the needs of the organization to undertake the means of sustainability in the market. According to (Benn, Dunphy Griffiths, 2006) the six phases of sustainability approaches undertaken by the organization are Rejection, Non-responsiveness, Compliance, Efficiency, Strategic proactivity and the sustainable organization. It helps in the proper understanding of the different characteristic factors where the company manipulates over the functioning in order to gain the sustainability in the market as per the needs of the same. The understanding of the objectives of the organization helps in maintaining the balance of the sustainable options that affects the proper functioning of the organization in the market. The weeks lesson has helped me in understanding the different approaches that are being undertaken by the organizations in order to maintain the sustainability of the same in the market. On the other hand, the instructor undertook steps in order to cite examples from various organizations to make us aware of the changes in the structure and the functioning, which has helped the organizations to sustain in the global markets (Smith, 2012). The citation of the companies that have failed to sustain in the market has helped in clarifying the objective of the approaches of sustainability undertaken by the organizations. Conclusion Therefore, from the above lessons that we were taught in our class, which was held for three weeks has helped in the understanding of the different factors, that affects the sustainability of the organizations in the market. On the other hand, the classes have helped us in enumerating the different capital structure and functioning that helps the organizations in maintaining their sustenance in the markets. References Benn, S., Dunphy, D., Griffiths, A. (2006). Enabling change for corporate sustainability: An integrated perspective.Australasian Journal of Environmental Management,13(3), 156-165. Benn, S., Edwards, M., Williams, T. (2014).Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge. Bogan, V. L. (2012). Capital structure and sustainability: An empirical study of microfinance institutions.Review of Economics and Statistics,94(4), 1045-1058. Ehnert, I., Harry, W., Zink, K. J. (Eds.). (2013).Sustainability and human resource management: Developing sustainable business organizations. Springer Science Business Media. Milne, M. J., Gray, R. (2013). W (h) ither ecology? The triple bottom line, the global reporting initiative, and corporate sustainability reporting.Journal of business ethics,118(1), 13-29. Rosen, M. A., Kishawy, H. A. (2012). Sustainable manufacturing and design: Concepts, practices and needs.Sustainability,4(2), 154-174. Smith, P. A. (2012). The importance of organizational learning for organizational sustainability.The Learning Organization,19(1), 4-10. Stoughton, A. M., Ludema, J. (2012). The driving forces of sustainability.Journal of Organizational Change Management,25(4), 501-517.