Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Internet Advertising Essay - 1723 Words

Advertising can mean many different things in today’s world. When advertising first was developed it was done by would of mouth and the classic flyer or poster. Then it moved up to using the radio to help capture a bigger audience. After that it moved towards the television where an even bigger audience could be reached. Lastly companies started to realize the shear amount of traffic that was generated by the Internet. The Internet first started to get popular in the mid 1990’s. Where only people with high tech computers and that could afford the service had the Internet. Of course the Internet did not look the way it does now during that time. There were no pop up ads, java, banners, or graphics that made a consumer purchase a product†¦show more content†¦In a way they are forced upon the user. With that quick ten to twenty second window that company has gained, over time that can add up to a lot of people seeing that add. With today’s traffic through the Internet just imagine how many people would see a pop up ad in a week! Another key component to pop up ads is that they often include interactive games of sort to try and make the users keep the window open longer. Host sites love having pop up ads on their sites because they are only there for as long as the user wants them to be an open screen. Plus the host site charges the advertising company to allow the pop ups to ha ppen and to the host site’s benefit the ad again is only up there for as long as the internet user wants it up. Therefore it doesn’t take up space on the site, which leaves more room for the host site. One negative thing about using pop up ads is that some Internet users got fed up with all these pop up ads, so some search engines such as Google or Yahoo have included a pop up blocker on their toolbars. This literally blocks pop up ads from popping up on a user’s screen. To some point this hurts the advertising companies from using pop up ads but from this the companies were able to research and develop different ways to advertise effectively to reach their targeted customer. An additional way companiesShow MoreRelatedAdvertising On The Internet : Internet1985 Words   |  8 PagesGiacomo Randazzo Ms. Blair English III 26 March 2015 Advertising on the Internet Most of the websites collect money through advertisement; websites collect a bunch of information about who visits the page that they use to target their advertisements to services and product that reflect his interests. 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