Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Video from TED Talks Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Video from TED Talks - Movie Review Example In order to meet the required energy levels to sustain such a trip, it is critical to have a reliable source of energy. Over and above that, the chosen source of energy must have adequate capacity to propel the aircraft without taking high risks that threaten life. It is interesting to have an environmental enthusiast like Bertrand Piccard. However, his project will take long to make a difference as far as use of fossil fuels is concerned. Today, flying has increasingly become commercialized. Airlines have invested billions of dollars in air transport, an area in which Bertrand Piccard is far from proposing a reliable solution. As he speaks, Bertrand Piccard has invested significantly in the project. The project only accounts for a couple of people as Bertrand Piccard plans to fly around the world. While Bertrand Piccard might actually fly around the world in a solar-powered aircraft, his arguments or propositions will probably take ages to be adopted. There are diverse and dynamic resource criticalities that would have to be addressed before such an ambitious project is commercialized for public use. Bertrand Piccard’s approach to environmental sustainability, however, is highly

Monday, October 28, 2019

Research Real Estate Data Set Essay Example for Free

Research Real Estate Data Set Essay Abstract In this paper the team analyzed three scholarly articles relating to our study. Furthermore, the team also analyzed additional data sets to include more variables like bedrooms and bathrooms in our investigation to test our hypothesis which shows that the results are consistent with the hypothesis. The population size, primary and secondary data, using unbiased information and applying ethics are also discussed in detail. Real Estate Data Set II As we begin the final stages of our project it is important to understand the process of applied research and how one or more variable have an impact on the dependable variable. It is important to understand why research is necessary and how we apply research to get answers to issues. The team analyzed thirty date sets to research homes with or without a pool, with or without a garage, and on the proximity of the house to the city, and how those factors affected the selling prices of homes. Furthermore, the team also analyzed more data sets to include more variables like bedrooms and bathrooms. Six bedrooms, three bath houses will sell for more than a one bedroom, one bath houses, regardless of whether it has a pool or garage. As we go forward with this assignment and analyze more data collection sets, it seems that the hypothesis that we proposed is the right one. Our hypothesis is based around the concept of human prioritization and its role in home selection. Additionally, the team researched three scholarly articles that are pertinent to our study to help us understand why the research is important and necessary. The first article uses analysis to discuss the connection between the selling price of a home and â€Å"Time on the Market† (TOM) (Sirmans, et al, 2010). It states that the longer the house is on the market the lower the selling price of the house. The study uses data sets to examine single family homes and whether the TOM co-efficient is susceptible to location, income of families, wealth and time. The results proved that the TOM co-efficient is sensitive to the variables and there is a significant relationship between TOM and the selling prices (Sirmans et al, 2010). It also states that selling prices and TOM is a very complicated because ellers / buyers want to maximize the price, while sellers want to sell at the top price buyers want to purchase at the lowest price. The second article discusses the study of how technology of real estate is changing and how important technology is key to gather important data from private and public sources for the real estate industry. Many studies have been published about the impact of the information on the real estate industry, on market size and efficiency, and market innovation. These studi es have proven that email and the use of internet are used as a positive marketing tool. Survey questions were developed to gather information about real estate agents and their attitude about using information technology as marketing their services. The results were positive and all that were surveyed viewed that information technology was key in some areas. Internet usage got a high score along with online research but personal webpage’s indicated a lower score (Acharya et al, 2010). The third article examined that in real estate development there is a need for risk assessment techniques to assess the impact of the project. The article is based on an exploratory survey which data was collected through interviews and a questionnaire. The study was conducted in the Thailand area using Thai real estate development companies. The study revealed that there are no systematic techniques to deal with the concerns of economic and political risks (Khumpaisal et al, 2010). All three articles focus on real estate research and how information is collected and used in different studies. All three article discuss how data, the collection of the data and the usage of the data play an important part while conducting research. When conducting research it is often difficult, or impractical to test the entire population. Many issues can arise, such as time consumption, cost, and redundant information. Often it is possible for researchers to draw conclusions based on population samples. This is when we test a small portion of the population and draw conclusions on the entire population based on the sample results. For our research the sample of thirty homes came from a larger sample of one hundred six homes. These homes were a sample of homes in one state, across five townships. For our research we decided to limit the sample to around thirty homes of similar qualities (outside of the variables we are testing). The reason we do this is to be sure there isn’t an outside, unknown variable affecting the experiment. Therefore we chose homes that are between two and three bedrooms, with two bathrooms. This gave us a sample of thirty-one homes. For this particular research, it is possible to see the affects of different variables on home prices. Also, with more than thirty samples it is also possible to eliminate outliers that may skew averages. For example, if we only tested three homes and two of them were priced outrageously, we wouldn’t be able to draw valid conclusions. However, by testing thirty-one homes, we can eliminate outliers. There are many possible sources of bias and error when testing a hypothesis with only sample of the population. In our case, we could simply omit homes that disprove our hypothesis. One reason for this is if we were working for a real estate company and they want to see which homes can make them the most money, and we know there are a lot of homes near the city center for sale. If we omit homes far away from the city that are selling for more, our bias has caused us to give false findings. Not all omissions are intentional. Sometimes errors are simply made in the research process. For example, with our research we could have included homes with any number of bedrooms. This would have resulted in data that may not have been practical for our research. For example, the complete data set included homes with up to eight bedrooms. If we were to compare that to a home with only two bedrooms the fact that either had a pool, or garage, or was close to the city would have been negligible. Again, we chose to only test similar homes in respect to number of bedrooms and bathrooms in order to prevent this error. It is necessary to collect primary data when a researcher cannot find the data needed in secondary sources. Some methods of primary research would include observation, postal surveys, telephone interviews, online surveys, face to face surveys, focus groups, and test marketing. Observation works well in retail markets. Observing consumer behavior provides many insights, although can sometimes leave unanswered questions. Postal surveys are great because they are relatively cheap with the ability to cover a wide geographical area. However, response rates are minimal and can take quite some time before any of the surveys are returned. Telephone interviews allow quicker feedback than a postal survey but any potential customers are usually hesitant on giving anything but short answers. Increasingly popular and at relatively low cost, surveys online are widely used by growing businesses as a way of gathering the views of potential and existing customers. Face to face surveys are sometimes costly, but a great way to get individual detailed insight, while focus groups are a good way of getting detailed information about customer preferences and tastes. Test marketing involves picking a small section of the market and selling a new product in order to assess customer reaction. This primary research can be a great predictor of how a new product or service will be received by the larger market. Primary research is the preferred research and conducted all of the time. National polls and surveys collect the population’s thoughts about proposals or particular political figures, journalists use it as their primary means of reporting events as well as news, and organizations collect data on their market trends and consumer base. When conducting research in professional or academic settings, the researcher needs to be aware of the ethics behind the research activity Ethical issues arise throughout any piece of all research. These issues often turn into political ones, and there are also close connections between issues around participation and ethical concerns. Ethical issues also have a tendency to turn into questions of trust. The researcher is the research instrument therefore the reader and/or user of qualitative research must be able to trust the researcher to have followed the proper procedures. There are quite a few key phrases which describe the system of ethical protections that medical research and the contemporary social establishments have created such as, voluntary participation, informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity, and rights to service, to better protect the research participant’s rights. When conducting research it is important to understand all stages of the research and apply good practices such as using unbiased sources and clear and ethical standards. Even when clear ethical standards and principles are in place, there will be times when the rights of potential participants runs up against the need to do accurate research. No set of standards can possibly anticipate every ethical circumstance. Furthermore, there needs to be a procedure that assures that researchers will consider all relevant ethical issues in formulating research plans.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Body Art :: Social Issues, Tattooing

The number of people getting tattoos seems to be on the rise. According to the most recent Harris Poll, conducted in the summer of 2007, approximately 40% of Americans ages 25-40 have at least one tattoo, as compared to 3% 20 years ago (Hawkes, Senn, & Thorn, 2004). The increased popularity of the tattoo is apparent if you compare those findings to the 1936 Life magazine estimate that 10 million Americans, or approximately 6% of the population, had a tattoo (Swan, 2011). According to Kang and Jones (2007), tattooing is especially popular among teenagers and college students. At a stage when young people are seeking to assert their independence, tattoos may provide a way to ground a sense of self in a seemingly changing and insecure world. Tattooing has a long history; it was thought that tattooing was primary an ancient Egyptian practice dating from circa 2000 B.C. (Nadler, 1983). It was brought to the New World in 1769 by sailors returning from voyagers to the South Pacific (Post, 1968; Sanders, 1991). The practice of tattooing became more widespread and socially acceptable in the Western world after that time (Sanders, 1991). In ancient times tattooing was a projection of Jungian psychological elements, which was used be projected onto holy symbols, onto the self as a manifestations of self-expression coinciding with a decline in traditional religious adherence (Mercury, 2000). Piercing has almost as long of a history as tattooing. It was practiced by Egyptian pharaohs, Mayans, and Romans (Armstrong, 1996). Body piercing is sometimes studied along with tattooing, partly because people with tattoos often have piercings (Buhrich, 1983; Frederick & Bradley, 2000). For women, ear piercing has come to be viewed as a mainstream practice but piercing eyebrows, nose, cheeks, or other areas appears to symbolize one’s disaffection from society, much like tattooing (Sanders, 1988). Regarding piercings, 69.7% of women compared to 28.2% of men reported having piercings (Huxley & Grogan, 2005). The gender difference was significant. A way of being mischievous for a woman or going over the edge or developing a sexual identity is to have a piercing: navel, nipple, and nose (Saunders & Armstrong, 2005). The piercing can also draw attention to areas that the woman wants attention drawn to. Risquà ©-piercing may enhance the desire to use piercing for sexual attention . It may be that women may become pierced more for reasons of rebellion and men may become pierced more for reasons of self-identity (Caliendo, Armstrong, & Roberts, 2005).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

relationships :: essays research papers

The position of thrust sheets around the margins of landslide toe blocks, and their morphology and direction of thrusting, suggests that they were formed as a result of toe block pressing and movement in the surrounding sand. Toe-thrust sheets therefore can be considered as the morphological expression of ongoing instability at the landslide toe. The upthrust nature of these sheets at West Runton suggests that rotation of toe blocks, generating forward movement of the surrounding loose beach sand, is the principal process of toe-thrust sheet formation (fig. 6). Passive pressing of toe blocks into the surrounding sand under gravity is unlikely to result in either brittle failure of the sand or differential movement of the sand away from the toe blocks (i.e., different thrust sheet widths). The presence of thrust sheets therefore suggests that landslide blocks are actively excavating into the softer and unconsolidated beach sand that is displaced outward as a result of this process. The size and extent of the thrust sheets can be used as a proxy for the scale, rate, and timing of block movement. For example, the bigger landslide blocks are associated with more extensive thrust sheets, and sheet width is likely associated with excavation depth. The presence of multiple and overlapping thrust sheets that vary in extent along the front of landslide blocks (figs. 4, 5) also suggests that different parts of the toe are active at different times and therefore that sliding rates and volumes averaged across the entire landslide (Waltham and Dixon 2000) likely conceal wide spatial and temporal variations. [Graphic omitted] The presence of delicate toe-thrust sheets within the intertidal zone at West Runton is of interest because these features are easily destroyed by waves and will be wiped out by every high tide. Figure 6 is a schematic cartoon illustrating a possible formation mechanism for these features. During high tides, the elevated position of the external water plane (mean high water level) against the landslide toe means that there is a small difference in head, and low hydraulic potential gradient, between the landslide toe and its external environment (fig. 6a). The depth of marine water also likely increases interstitial pore water pressure both within the submerged beach sand and within the fine-grained landslide sediments and influences effective pressure (cf. Dixon and Bromhead 2002). Elevated external water pressure at high tide helps to hold back toe advance (Hutchinson 1988). At low tide, when the ground water table is located within the beach sand and is under lower (atmospheric) interstitial pore water pressure, a large difference in head and therefore steepened hydraulic potential gradient exists between the landslide toe and the external environment (sea level) (fig. 6b). Under these conditions, sliding and the formation of relationships :: essays research papers The position of thrust sheets around the margins of landslide toe blocks, and their morphology and direction of thrusting, suggests that they were formed as a result of toe block pressing and movement in the surrounding sand. Toe-thrust sheets therefore can be considered as the morphological expression of ongoing instability at the landslide toe. The upthrust nature of these sheets at West Runton suggests that rotation of toe blocks, generating forward movement of the surrounding loose beach sand, is the principal process of toe-thrust sheet formation (fig. 6). Passive pressing of toe blocks into the surrounding sand under gravity is unlikely to result in either brittle failure of the sand or differential movement of the sand away from the toe blocks (i.e., different thrust sheet widths). The presence of thrust sheets therefore suggests that landslide blocks are actively excavating into the softer and unconsolidated beach sand that is displaced outward as a result of this process. The size and extent of the thrust sheets can be used as a proxy for the scale, rate, and timing of block movement. For example, the bigger landslide blocks are associated with more extensive thrust sheets, and sheet width is likely associated with excavation depth. The presence of multiple and overlapping thrust sheets that vary in extent along the front of landslide blocks (figs. 4, 5) also suggests that different parts of the toe are active at different times and therefore that sliding rates and volumes averaged across the entire landslide (Waltham and Dixon 2000) likely conceal wide spatial and temporal variations. [Graphic omitted] The presence of delicate toe-thrust sheets within the intertidal zone at West Runton is of interest because these features are easily destroyed by waves and will be wiped out by every high tide. Figure 6 is a schematic cartoon illustrating a possible formation mechanism for these features. During high tides, the elevated position of the external water plane (mean high water level) against the landslide toe means that there is a small difference in head, and low hydraulic potential gradient, between the landslide toe and its external environment (fig. 6a). The depth of marine water also likely increases interstitial pore water pressure both within the submerged beach sand and within the fine-grained landslide sediments and influences effective pressure (cf. Dixon and Bromhead 2002). Elevated external water pressure at high tide helps to hold back toe advance (Hutchinson 1988). At low tide, when the ground water table is located within the beach sand and is under lower (atmospheric) interstitial pore water pressure, a large difference in head and therefore steepened hydraulic potential gradient exists between the landslide toe and the external environment (sea level) (fig. 6b). Under these conditions, sliding and the formation of

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Body Image in Brazil and Usa

Body Image in Brazil and USA Four thousand years ago the last of the mammoths were roaming the earth before extinction, anesthesia was still 3800 years away from being discovered, and tools were still being made out of stone. What else was happening that long ago? Humans were performing the first known cases of reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries, documenting back to skin grafts in ancient India. Between the first documented procedures and the early 1800's not a lot progressed aside from the basic tools being used. In 1827, Dr.John Peter Mettaue performed the first cleft palate operation using tools of his own design kicking off the modern plastic surgery advancements. Using the advancements in reconstructive surgeries became increasingly popular during World War I as it was used to save many soldiers' lives throughout the world. In the late 1940’s, following the second World War, the focus of plastic surgery began to shift from medical procedures to save lives in the milita ry to a more public and socialized practice. A boom in the 1960's spread rapidly after the introduction of silicone implants by Dr. Thomas Cronin.Sports Illustrated Magazine issued its first swim suit edition in 1964 featuring a five page spread of bikini clad perfect model bodies that the public was pressured to imitate. Despite the American involvement in Vietnam during the late 60's the trend continued to increase into the 70's when plastic surgery hit an all-time high due to the public discovery of its uses on all parts of the body. Over the decades, countries throughout the world including Brazil and The United States have adopted plastic surgery as an active part of their cultures despite monetary and health costs all because of media and social pressures.The United States and Brazil rank first and second in the world of most plastic surgery procedures, respectively. According to Dr. Daniela Dorneles de Andrade, a psychological research associate at the University of Vienna, t he United States alone underwent 30. 1 million cosmetic surgeries in the year 2009, enough cosmetic surgeries for one in every ten Americans to have undergone some sort of altering procedure. The United States is the only country to top the next leading country, Brazil, which reported 13. 7 million procedures.Based on its population, that amounts to one in every fifteen Brazilians volunteering for of these surgeries in the same year (Dorneles 75). The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports the average cost of plastic surgery procedures being at five thousand dollars in the United States incurring a total revenue topping one hundred and fifty billion dollars a year from voluntary surgeries alone. The figure dwarfs Brazil's reported income from the same procedures however, topping just over fifty million dollars (ASPS).Professor Alexander Edmonds, of Macquarie University, reports that the lack of funds reported by Brazil is due to a philosophy that â€Å"the poor have a right t o be beautiful† (Edmonds, â€Å"Poor† 363). The thought that everyone has a right to undergo plastic surgery, even if they cannot afford it, has been adopted by many Brazilian surgeons. Brazilian surgeons have started clinics that are being funded by federal and municipal budgets to provide procedures to everyone regardless of economic ability (Edmonds, â€Å"Poor† 365). Such acts are not only costing people in American and Brazilian cultures money but also costing them their health.Both psychological and physical health are being put into jeopardy by the procedures themselves and also by the desire to have them done (Edmonds, â€Å"Learning† 470). Health care related spending has nearly tripled in the past three centuries, seventy-eight percent of which linked to complications of cosmetic surgery. Whether it is leaking silicone implants or infections, the surgeries that people are seeking out to make themselves more perfect on the outside are in fact lead ing to more problems than with what they started with (Dorneles 77).Why are people of the world putting themselves through these extensive procedures? University of Amsterdam professor, Alexander Edmonds, says it amounts to nothing more than acceptance and expectance. The pressure to appear as perfect as possible on the outside is largely placed upon the women in both Brazilian and American culture. Such pressure is put upon women, young women most heavily, by media and social groups alike. Social groups are driven by what they see in magazine or on television ads. Media thrives on what social groups are deeming appropriate amongst themselves.The vicious cycle of perfection that American teens and young adults face every day is the same pressure that is seen in Brazil. More and more young people are turning to evasive procedures to correct themselves every day. In 2010 the second most popular gift given to high school graduates in America, trailing closely behind a new car, was that of breast augmentations (Kreimer). These gifts are giving by family members or people who care about the young person's life and they feel that their child will thrive better in life if they help them achieve a better body.This thinking is passed on from generation to the next and is rapidly increasing. One teen who received such a gift was quoted saying, â€Å"My mother, grandmother, two aunts, and stepmother have implants, so if my mom is willing to pay for it, why not? † (qtd in Kriemer). The pressure to appear a certain way is becoming even more important to people of the world with no consideration for the health and financial implications. It is becoming accepted by cultures around the globe as a normal practice.If the past is any indication for the future this issue will become an uncontrollable epidemic. Something needs to be done about how media portrays people but are the thoughts of societies and morals of cultures being influenced by the media or is the media bei ng conformed by the cultures and societies serves? Works Cited ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons). The Plastic Surgery Foundation, 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. Dorneles de Andrade, Daniela. â€Å"On Norms and Bodies: Findings from Field Research on Cosmetic Surgery in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Reproductive Health Matters 18. 35 (2010) : 74-83. Print. Edmonds, Alexander. â€Å"Learning to Love Yourself: Esthetics, Health, and Therapeutics in Brazilian Plastic Surgery. † Routledge Journals 74. 4 (2009) : 465-489. Print. Edmonds, Alexander. â€Å"’The Poor Have the Right To Be Beautiful’: Cosmetic Surgery in Neoliberal Brazil. † Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13. 1 (2007) : 363-381. Print. Kreimer, Susan. â€Å"Teens Getting Breast Implants for Graduation. † Womensenews. Women’s eNews Inc. , 6 June. 2004. Web. 26 Oct 2012.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Being Poor †Theology Informal Essay

Being Poor – Theology Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers Being Poor Theology Informal Essay My daughter had a startling revelation. It happened in her freshman year of high school. One day she came home in tears. After supper she tearfully asked, â€Å"Dad, why didn’t you tell me we were poor?† The question momentarily shocked me and grieved my heart. All normal fathers want to adequately provide for their families. I asked her, â€Å"Who said that we were poor?† classmates,†she answered while wiping a â€Å"Some of my friends and tear from her eye. â€Å"We are not rich but we are not poor,† I replied. â€Å"Have you ever gone hungry? Do you lack clothes to wear? Don’t we have a house to live in with running water, indoor plumbing, and electricity? It’s true, we are not rich, but we are not poor.† A couple of years later my daughter was blessed to go on a youth mission’s trip to an Indian reservation in Arizona. There she saw stark, grinding poverty. She is now preparing to be involved in medical missions and hopes to someday serve in some capacity in Africa. Perhaps the word poor is a relative term. When one is really poor, they don’t need to be told, they know it, feel it, and live it. A young man became addicted to drugs. He lost his friends, family, and dignity. One night he climbed into a dumpster for the first time. He suddenly realized that he was poor, destitute, bound, and friendless. Jesus loves the poor. He came â€Å"to preach the gospel to the poor† (Matthew 11:5). A rich, religious young man came to Jesus. Jesus told him to sell everything he had and give to the poor. â€Å"And you will have treasure in heaven and follow me.† The young man went away sad because he had much riches. Jesus told a parable in which the master told his servant to go out into the highways, hedges, streets, and lanes of the city and bring in the poor, maimed, lame, and the blind to a great feast, because the rich had spurned the master’s invitation. (Luke 14:16-24) David tells us to praise the Lord because, â€Å"He raises the poor out of the dust and lifts the needy out of the ash heap† (Psalm 113:7). God doesn’t condemn the poor. His ears are open to their cry. God’s people are commanded to â€Å"Open your mouth for the speechless . . . and plead the cause of the poor and needy† (Proverbs 31:8-9). God blesses those who deal out their bread to the poor. (Isaiah 58) â€Å"Pure religion and undefiled is to visit the widows and orphans and minister to their needs† (James 1:27). James reminds us that God shows no favoritism nor should we. â€Å"Listen, my beloved brethren, has not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?† (James 2:1-8). Why does God love and care about the poor? Consider how God demonstrated His love towards us. (Romans 5:8) We hear a lot of rags to riches stories, but few riches to rags stories. Jesus left the glories and riches of heaven to be born in a stable and become one with us. (Philippians 2) The Apostle Paul focuses on this mind-boggling revelation in his epistles. â€Å"For you know, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich† (II Corinthians 8:9). If you have Jesus you are rich in God’s grace, mercy, blessings, and eternal life. Is every believer to be rich in this world’s goods? Is the American Dream the promise of the gospel? Are material goods the proof of faith and Christian maturity? Paul knew the secret one contentment in all things. â€Å"Rejoicing as poor, yet making many rich, as having nothing yet possessing all things† (II Corinthians 6:10). Jesus taught us to pray and trust God to supply our daily needs. He told us that our heavenly Father takes care of the birds of the air and we are more valuable to Him than they. (Matthew 6:1-4, 19-21) God promises to supply our every need â€Å"according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus† (Philippians 4:19). We must only trust and obey Him. Jesus gave us a key to the kingdom of heaven. â€Å"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven† (Matthew 5:3). It is the poor in spirit who realize that they need Jesus and God’s grace and mercy. To them belong the riches of God’s kingdom. Jesus rebuked the church of Laodicia who thought that they were â€Å"rich, increased with goods, and in need of nothing . . . and do not know you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked† (Revelation 3:17). That’s really being poor! If you have Jesus you are never poor. You are rich indeed! But we must always be â€Å"poor in spirit† and see our need of Jesus as Savior and Lord. Jesus invites you to come to Him for true riches. â€Å"Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and opens unto me, I will come into him and sup with him and he with me† (Revelation 3:20). Research Papers on Being Poor - Theology Informal Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseHip-Hop is ArtComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTrailblazing by Eric Anderson

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sundiata essays

Sundiata essays The epic of Sundiata begins with the introduction of the griot, and narrator Mamadu Kouyate. Throughout the epic, the importance of the griot is stressed numerous times. When speaking of griots Mamadu Kouyate states that, we are the repositories which harbor secrets many centuries old. The art of eloquence has no secrets for us; without us the names of kings would vanish into oblivion, we are the memory of mankind... (Niane). It was through oral reciting that the epic was passed along for generations. Though in todays society, information has taken on new mediums, it is just as important to the culture of today as it was to the culture of the Mandingo . Cultures change, but many of the things that comprise them remain constant. One of the elements of culture that has changed very little in value is religion. One can derive from the epic the importance of religion to the people of the Keita Dynasty . Specifically, the religions of Islam and Traditional African Religion are alluded to throughout the epic. In one of the first references to the Islamic religion Sogolon Kedjon, Sundiatas mother, states that the fortified town of Sosso was the bulwark of fetishism against the word of Allah (Niane 41). Previous to this statement thought, the reader is bombarded with illusions of sorcery, witchcraft and prophets. In the culture of old Mali, the two belief systems coincided somewhat, but both were still used. It has been offered that, although Islam was a major component in the creation of the old Mali, it was only used as a myth to legitimate the divine powers of the ruler . This might help to explain why Islam is alluded to so late in the epic, whereas traditional African religious themes are recurrent t hroughout the epic. A very large part of Traditional African Religion in old Mali is predestination of fate. The narrator does not allow one to forget the ever important role that destin...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Packinghouse Daughter essays

The Packinghouse Daughter essays This novel tells the story of a small-town, working-class life in the mid 1900s. The daughter of a meatpacking company millwright, Cheri Register tells about the event, which divides her small town of Albert Lea during time of depression. Albert Lea, Minnesota was an industrial town of only 13,545 people. Surrounding the area was cornfields, lakes, cattail marshes, knolls, and oak groves. Albert Lea still was in the 1950s when this story began. Cheri was an elementary student. Her school plans many field trips, which tend to be excursions in industrial technology. Cheri and her classmates visit places, which serve an entertainment and educational purpose. They have visited placed such as printing press, Coca-Cola, and egg hatching victories. Their next trip was different. Cheri and her class were to visit the Wilson s father had worked since 1943. Not speaking much of his job Cheri didnt know much about her fathers work. This trip consisted of a parents signature because of the scene it may bring to the youngsters. Each kid had the option not to participate in the activity that morning since once they entered there was no turning back. They describe the trip as very scenic and educational. For the rest of the day the kids talked to each other about the incredible views, which they encountered. Such as the hundreds of people who worked there and how the as sembly lines for the animals just never ended, one after another after another. Wilson s dad at this time was in a verbatim pattern of a workday, dinner, and falling aslee...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Innovation Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Innovation Organisation - Essay Example Various tables and figures have been employed in order to justify the objectives of this research, and to provide evidence of the company’s operational excellence. Present day business environment is very dynamic in nature which keeps on changing frequently with the changing market conditions at domestic and international level. Organisations existing in the present day business environment have sufficiently understood this fact and perform their market analysis and research activities to identify the changes. It is very essential for present day organisations to get adapted to the changes and maintain their business operations. To attain the level of flexibility required for adapting to the changes organisations develop innovative approaches to modify their business structure and systems as per the changes. This report discusses the theories of innovation and its real application in present day organisations. Irrespective of industry type every organisation is required to identify the changes and resist them. This report has considered the construction industry and its performance in the international market. BAM Construct UK Ltd. is one of t he leading construction companies in UK and is a part of the European construction enterprise. The study has considered the company BAM Construct UK Ltd. as its sample organisation for analyzing the innovative practices performed within present day organisations. The study emphasizes various innovative approaches which are practiced in the sample organisation and also provides with suggestions on improving their innovation practices in regards to their product development activities. Organisations come up with innovative products which are developed as per the changing demands of the customers’. Organisations are required to update their product range at regular intervals which help them in gaining

Friday, October 18, 2019

Decision Making using Critical Thinking Assignment

Decision Making using Critical Thinking - Assignment Example The inhabitants of the country are an ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, Asians particularly Chinese, African, French, Spanish and Americans. In designing the strategies for the company, it must take into consideration the different culture, beliefs and values of the residents of Kava. While most of these people are known coffee drinkers, the tastes and preferences might vary. Another challenge which the company faces is the threat of disasters which often confront the people of Kava. This phenomenon greatly impacts on the economy of Kava, which in turn affects the buying behavior and purchasing power of the people of Kava. Buying specialized coffee might not be one of their priorities if they hardly have food to eat on their table. However, there also presents an opportunity for the company for the untapped â€Å"foreign† or expat market whose income are barely affected by the disasters that are experienced by the people of Kava. Finding the right mix of people to be employed by the company is another issue that besets the company. Being an employee for the company means forging a partnership with the organization. It is therefore imperative that the people to be hired by the organization must share the same mission and vision as what the company holds. They should be willing to learn and grow with the company. Building a profitable organization in Kava means having to work harmoniously with the government. The company must be ready to help support the different communities in Kava. The organization must be ready to create partnerships with other organizations to improve the lives of the people of Kava. There several forces involved in the formulation of the problem. Specifically, the problem on hand is about establishing a greater presence in Kava. One of the forces involved in the formulation of the problem is the leadership of Chris. One is

Andrew Peller Limited Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Andrew Peller Limited - Essay Example The costs of goods sold, excluding amortization includes the costs of finished goods inventory sold during the year, inventory write-downs and revaluations of agricultural produce at fair value less costs to sell at the point of harvest. In this regards, the costs of goods sold excluding amortization are classified as variable costs. The company carries property, plant and equipment at cost less accumulated amortization with the costs including the borrowing costs for the assets requiring a substantial period of time to become ready for use which are calculated on a straight-line basis in amounts sufficient to amortize the cost of building, vineyard infrastructure and machinery and equipment over their estimated useful lives. The fact that they vary with the useful life of the property, plant and equipment implies that they are classified as variable costs. The company classifies financial instruments into different categories with the company choosing not to apply hedge accounting for any of its derivative financial instruments. Consequently, the company nets transactional costs relating to long-term debt against the carrying value of the liability which is then amortized over the expected life of the instrument using the effective interest method. These costs are classified as fixed

Thursday, October 17, 2019

History of Black and Indian relations among the Florida Seminoles Essay

History of Black and Indian relations among the Florida Seminoles - Essay Example As early as 1689, Africans fled from British-American colonies to the Spanish controlled Florida in search of freedom. A new influx of these freedom-seeking blacks reached Florida during the American Revolution. During this Revolution, the American slaves agreed to fight for the British in exchange for liberty. They built settlements near the Seminoles as both had a common interest to escape slavery. They built separate villages of thatched-roof houses surrounded by fields of corn and swamp rice, and they maintained friendly relations with the mixed population of refugee Indians (Joseph A Opala). The Seminoles Indians also allied with the British for this fight. This brought the two – the Africans and the Indian Seminoles - into increased contact with each other. Members of both the communities sided with the British during the War of 1812. This helped them to solidify their ties. Gradually the two groups came to view themselves as part of the same organized tribe. Their relat ions solidified to such an extent that the US Government could not break them apart. Intermarriages and friendships were common. They became such close allies that they came to be known as the Black Seminoles. At this point when the Africans and the Indian Seminoles first came into contact, the Seminoles were themselves recent immigrants to Florida. The Africans adopted their clothing and the Indians acquired taste for rice and appreciation for their music and folklore. At that time, they were known as Gullahs.

Select a (domestic)3 public limited company of your choice and analyse Essay

Select a (domestic)3 public limited company of your choice and analyse what price and non-price strategies it employs for its co - Essay Example On the other side, financial statements are very essential for different types of user in for different company. So, before preparing the financial statement the accountant must be clear that the users survive by the information. There are different types of group with a curiosity of different organisation called user group. The different types of user follows the financial statement for their decision making purpose. The company analysis is mainly based on the financial statements of the company (Chatton, 2008, p.125). Here the Researcher will analyse the different aspects of the National – Express Group like Customer profile, competition, social and technological issues, unique selling proposition, financial performance analysis etc. The researcher uses ratio and trend analysis to analyse the financial performance. General Description of the Company National – Express Group is a popular transport service provider company in UK as well as in Europe. The business networ k of the company spreads in UK, Spain, North America and Morocco. The statistics shows that there are more than 650 million journeys are made through the company every year. The transport services of the company categorised as trains, buses, coaches and light rail services. The primary strategy of the company is to offer quality products and services to the customers for the purpose of enhance the growth rate in the existing market. The company tries to win new bidding opportunity through rail, coaches and bus markets. Presently, the company has been able to recover the underlying growth in Spain and creating new bid opportunity by aiming to increase overall growth. Presently, the company introduces coach and rail business in UK which seems to be profitable and contributes in the growth success in long term basis. Presently, the company is able to recover the underlying growth in Spain and creating new bid opportunity by aiming to increase overall growth. Presently, the company intr oduces coach and rail business in UK which seems to be profitable and contributes in the growth success in long term basis. In past few years, the company tried to acquire different transport operator companies, whose operation, modes and geographies match with the existing business of the company. For the purpose of enhancing the value of shareholder, National Express Group implemented strict return criteria in the case of acquisition. In 2010, the company acquired bolt-on school bus acquisition in New Jersey in the value of US$13.3 million (William, 2009, p.45). The annual reports of the company show that 2011 is a successful year for National - Express Group. In this year, the company generated ?180.2 million EBITA (profit before tax and amortisation) which is more or less double than the previous year. The primary reason of enhancing the statutory profit before tax is three folds increase in sales revenue and the operating profit. The maximum level of profit from the UK Coach bu siness is also a reason for profit increasing (National Express Group PLC, 2011, p.67). There are significant improvements in each and every business of the company over the last two years. The bus services in UK and North America increased the operating margin. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

History of Black and Indian relations among the Florida Seminoles Essay

History of Black and Indian relations among the Florida Seminoles - Essay Example As early as 1689, Africans fled from British-American colonies to the Spanish controlled Florida in search of freedom. A new influx of these freedom-seeking blacks reached Florida during the American Revolution. During this Revolution, the American slaves agreed to fight for the British in exchange for liberty. They built settlements near the Seminoles as both had a common interest to escape slavery. They built separate villages of thatched-roof houses surrounded by fields of corn and swamp rice, and they maintained friendly relations with the mixed population of refugee Indians (Joseph A Opala). The Seminoles Indians also allied with the British for this fight. This brought the two – the Africans and the Indian Seminoles - into increased contact with each other. Members of both the communities sided with the British during the War of 1812. This helped them to solidify their ties. Gradually the two groups came to view themselves as part of the same organized tribe. Their relat ions solidified to such an extent that the US Government could not break them apart. Intermarriages and friendships were common. They became such close allies that they came to be known as the Black Seminoles. At this point when the Africans and the Indian Seminoles first came into contact, the Seminoles were themselves recent immigrants to Florida. The Africans adopted their clothing and the Indians acquired taste for rice and appreciation for their music and folklore. At that time, they were known as Gullahs.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Law for Accounting coursework question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Law for Accounting coursework question - Essay Example Moreover, Serena’s offer had indicated that only bids over ?20,000 would be accepted. The first issue is whether there was an offer and acceptance. Serena made the offer, however, Eric, by stating that he would buy the Galileo at ?19,500 instead of the ?20,000 that Serena was asking for, effectively made a counteroffer.1 The reason for this is the â€Å"mirror image rule.† This rule states that an unequivocal acceptance must mirror the offer exactly – any deviation made by the offeree to the offeror would therefore be considered to be a counteroffer. At this point, therefore, it was up to Serena to accept Eric’s offer, as Eric did not offer an unequivocal, mirror image acceptance of Serena’s terms. However, one can state that Serena was not really making a valid offer with her advertisement, as she indicated that she would consider all offers higher than ?20,000. She did not state that the highest bid would be the winner, so to speak, but, rather, o nly indicated that she would consider any and all bids above the threshold number. The courts would state that this was not really an offer at all, but an invitation to treat. An invitation to treat is an invitation for bids. This is similar to the case of Spencer v. Harding (1870) LR 5 CP 561. This case involved the following offer: â€Å"28, King Street, Cheapside, May 17th, 1869. ... Milk Street, up to Thursday, the 20th instant, on which day, at 12 o'clock at noon precisely, the tenders will be received and opened at our offices. Should you tender and not attend the sale, please address to us sealed and inclosed, 'Tender for Eilbeck's stock.' Stock-books may be had at our offices on Tuesday morning. Honey, Humphreys, & Co.†2 The court held that this was not a valid offer, but, rather, an invitation for bids. The wording in the offer in Spencer is similar to the wording in the case at bar, therefore, there probably was not a valid offer made by Serena for the Galileo. That said, when Eric made his statement on the answering machine, this would be an offer. As indicated above, when Eric made his statement on the answering machine, the ball was effectively in Serena’s court, and she could either accept Eric’s offer or not. The question is whether Serena did accept the offer. She finally called Eric in January, after having made the original offe r in December, and Eric had made the counteroffer in that same month. Both parties knew that Eric wanted the dress for his girlfriend’s birthday. Serena might have known when Eric’s girlfriend’s birthday was, as Eric is her brother. Regardless, when Eric’s girlfriend’s birthday came and went, the doctrine of frustration of purpose might apply here. Frustration of purpose is â€Å"Where, after a contract is made, a party's principal purpose is substantially frustrated without his fault by the occurrence of an event the non-occurrence of which was a basic assumption on which the contract was made, his remaining duties to render performance are discharged, unless the language or circumstances [of the contract] indicate the contrary.†3 The leading case in English law is that of Krell v Henry [1903]

What is Truth Essay Example for Free

What is Truth Essay Abstract â€Å"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. † Truth is education, but a person could never find the truth without being enlightened. The truth is the easiest thing to find, but many people do not care to find it. Most are more comfortable with the truth or afraid of what actually might be true. However, if they would just be optimistic and fearless they might actually experience and learn more. Anyone can find, learn, and appreciate almost anything that can be taught. And when a person can truly experience any one thing they become enlightened. Not only can this person share his experience but he can also spread the knowledge of what he had learned. Sometimes it is important to examine all possibilities because the amount you can learn can have huge impact on your life. In Mark Twain’s â€Å"Advice to Youths† and Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Caves,† both authors portray that enlightening and experiencing are the two most important aspects of finding the truth. The Truth is in the Knowledge First of all, as a child, you can find more truths simply just listening to your parents then you could if you just ignore them. The amount of respect and trust you show your parents is directly related to the amount of freedoms and trust they give back to a child. The more a child can show they can listen and learn the more their parents enable them to broaden their experiences. [In Advice to Youth, Twain states, â€Å"Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring them that superstition then you can by acting on your own judgment †] Just because you do what your parents tell you, doesn’t mean you need to believe what they’re saying. Just watch your mouth while listening, and still form your opinion down the road. That way your parents will be happy, and still think they know more. While you can still be enlightened more later on down the road. Only one thing can even compare in importance to the truth, and that is a lie. Everyone sees lying as a bad thing, but it is a very important part of life. Every aspect of lie is important; they all have an impact on the outcome in the end. [In Advice to Youth, Twain says, â€Å"Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you’re nearly sure to get caught. †] Once someone catches you in a lie; your relationship changes for the rest of your life. Some might have the tolerance to forgive but they still will have lost faith in you as person. That is why Mark Twain is saying how important lying is in finding the truth in life. You must experience both sides of lies, and learn from them. You never know what a lie might cost you. A person can have a horrible experience the worst time in their life, but as long as they pick themselves up and learn from it; one achieves the best possible outcome from their situation. When someone is down it is pretty hard to cheer them up. You should help them realize they built character and knowledge from it, and the result is a stronger person. [In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato writes, â€Å"Build your character thoughtfully and painstakingly upon these precepts, and by and by, when you have got it built, you will be surprised and gratified to see how nicely and sharply it resembles everyone else’s. †] Sometimes a person cannot help what happens in their life. That is why a lot of people look at you differently as person after you react to controversy. Some would go as far as saying that helps build character and also shows toughness. The more a person is able to experience in life; the more enlightened and knowledgeable they become. First hand experiences are the easiest, and more often than not, the most effective way to educate. There is no better way to start building memory then hands on activities with whichever subject you want to learn about. [Plato also states, â€Å"Last of all he will be able to see the sun and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he will see him in the water, but he will see him in his own proper place, and not another; and he will contemplate him as he is. †] You cannot send someone out to do a job they’ve never done before. You will end up with a mess, which is why experience is just as important as learning anything. It is also why experiencing is just as important to truth as anything else. In closing, both Twain and Plato were saying that you need to learn if you want to find the truth about anything. And when they mean learn they are talking about every single thing around someone. You can simply enjoy life more by broadening skills and learning about things near and far. It is more important to find the truth rather than being scared or avoiding it. The truth can be something bad but you’ll never come out on the positive end of it if you don’t learn from it. Not everything is wrong just because everyone says that it is. A person needs to experience to find the truth and form their own opinion.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Respiratory System Procedures

Respiratory System Procedures Carol Bailey, MSN, RN Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits Introduction You are a nurse working in a PCU. Your clinical unit specializes in the care of patients who are undergoing treatment for pulmonary disease. You often provide care and patient teaching for patients having tests and procedures for pulmonary conditions. Your assignment today includes providing care and education support for 2 patients. You have a student nurse observing in your unit today. As you teach, please be sure to include rationales and answer the student’s questions. The Task Patient 1: Mr. Paul Monary, a 58 year old farmer, was admitted to your unit with complaint of progressive hoarseness, difficulty in swallowing, and loss of appetite over the past 3 months. The medical plan of care involves chemotherapy and radiation therapy. He will need a tracheostomy prior to beginning therapies. Objective data: He smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day. His weight has decreased from 200 pounds to 180 pounds over the past 3 months. The results of a CT scan and MRI reveal that this patient has throat cancer. Subjective data: The doctor said I would have a tracheostomy, but I don’t really know what that means for me. I don’t know how I am going to manage my farm if I have to have surgery. The nursing diagnosis you must address is knowledge deficit related to lack of information regarding care of a tracheostomy as evidenced by patient’s verbal response. Patient 2: Ms. Flora Vack, a 25 year old female, is a bull rider in the â€Å"Riding Stars Rodeo† that is currently performing at the Civic Center. She was thrown from a bull in last night’s performance and received repeated kicks to her left posterior chest. She was seen in the emergency room and admitted for follow up care. Her chest X-ray reveals a large pleura effusion on the left. You are assigned to prepare the patient for a thoracentesis. Outcome: You assist with the thoracentesis. 1,500 ml of pink tinged pleural fluid is removed. The patient experiences a pneumothorax following the procedure and a chest tube is inserted and connected to an atrium ocean chest tube drain. You are assigned to prepare the patient for chest tube insertion and to manage the chest tubes after the procedure. The Process To accomplish the task, you will review information from the links provided for each patient to fill in the table below. Patient 1 Links: Tracheostomy regular manual approach Tracheostomy percutaneous insertion Tracheostomy – percutaneous view from inside the trachea Laryngoscopy (this one was just cool!) effects of smoking: effects all organs of the body immediate effects trach care suctioning trach cleaning intercannula and trach dressing fenestrated trach tube passey-muir speaking valve Bottom of Form Click on â€Å"Videos† at the top of the home page. CEUs | Videos | News and Events | FAQs | Contact Us | International Then under – â€Å"Passy-Muir Animations† – There is a play list with 6 videos. View all videos except for the one on mechanical ventilation. Patient 2 Links: thoracentesis demo on real patient chest tube insertion Review â€Å"Managing chest drainage† ppt presentation for nursing educators (note: this ppt includes nursing assessment) Under the Product support tab: Along the left column under â€Å"Traditional Drainage† – click on â€Å"Ocean† Under education resources click on â€Å"Set up and Operation video†. Next click on Oasis, then pneumostat section. The video’s on ocean, oasis, and pneumostat are interesting and helpful to understand the function and assessment of a chest tube drainage system Click on the â€Å"Learning† tab Chest drainage 101 chapter 1 – 4 and Managing chest drainage part 1-6 are excellent resources of education developed by Atrium – a common brand of chest drainage system aking chest tube out / closing with a suture Nursing Assessment of the patient with a chest tube. Patient 1: Mr. Paul Monary NANDA: Knowledge deficit r/t lack of information regarding care of a tracheostomy AEB by patient’s verbal response. Client outcomes: Patient will Describe what a tracheostomy is and why it is necessary Describe the purpose of suctioning Demonstrate clearning of the innercannula and trach dressing Identify the effects on cigarette smoking on his current state of health List safety precautions in the use of the Passey-Muir valve Note: Respond to the patient’s questions using terminology the patient can understand. Respond to the Student nurse’s questions using professional terminology. Patient teaching: explain to this patient what a tracheostomy is and why it is necessary for him while having radiation therapy Patient teaching: explain to this patient the purpose of suctioning the trach and how it is accomplished. (explain the in-hospital sterile procedure – in your own works as if you were telling the patient all the steps you are taking and why) Patient teaching: explain to this patient how the nurse will clean the innercannula and why it is done (in-hospital sterile procedure) Patient teaching: explain to this patient, the effect of smoking on the lungs and on oxygenation Patient teaching: explain to this patient, the effect of smoking on the body. Patient teaching: explain to this patient how the passey-muir valve works and list safety precautions Answering the student nurse’s questions: how does the percutaneous insertion of the trach differ from the regular manual insertion? Answering the student nurse’s questions: How is a fenestrated trach tube different from a regular tube? Is there any potential complications with the fenestrated tube? List 3 additional Nursing Diagnosis (in 3 part format) appropriate for Mr. Monary: 1. 2. 3. Note: must list actual nursing diagnosis in 3 part format – not â€Å"at risk for† Patient 2 Ms. Flora Vack Respond to the patient’s questions (using terminology the patient can understand) Respond to the Student nurse’s questions (using professional terminology. Patient question: What is a thoracentesis? A thoracentesis is when a needle is inserted through your chest wall and then into the pleural space (Lewis, 2014). The pleural space is the thin, but large lining of tissue that surrounds your lungs and lines your chest cavity (Lewis, 2014). We do this to take samples to perform some diagnostic testing, remove excess fluid or air and give medications directly to the pleural space (Lewis, 2014). In your situation we are using a thoracentesis to drain the fluid buildup from your lungs by inserting the large needle and letting it drain out (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). Answering the student nurse’s questions: How do you position the patient for a thoracentesis? What do I do to assist the doctor during this procedure? You need to position the patient with their elbows on over the bedside adjustable table, sitting in the upright position (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). Their feet should be supported and you can place a pillow across their abdomen for additional support (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). During a thoracentesis the nurse will assist the doctor by supporting the patient throughout the procedure and answering any questions she may have (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). Throughout the procedure you will need to ask assessment questions to determine how the patient is tolerating the procedure and to facilitate any alterations in body position, such as resting their head during the procedure if they feel light headed (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). You will also monitor vital signs throughout the procedure (Lewis, 2014). Also, make sure you ensure the patient is properly oxygenated by administering any supplemental oxygen that may be necessary (Lewis, 2014). After the procedure you will need to make sure you apply a sterile dressing to the puncture site (Lewis, 2014) Patient question: What is the purpose of a chest tube and drainage system? The purpose of a chest tube and drainage system is to drain the air or gas that has built up in the area around your lungs due to your pneumothorax (Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2). The space around your lungs is known as the pleural space (Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2). This is the lining of tissue that surrounds your lungs and lines your chest cavity (Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2). This reestablishes negative pressure in your lungs which allows your lungs to expand properly (Lewis, 2014). Answering the student nurse’s questions: What is the underwater seal of a chest drainage system and how does it work? The underwater seal of a chest drainage system is what allows the air or fluid to leave the pleural space but also prevents the backflow of air or fluid back into the pleural cavity (Chest Tube Insertion part 2/2). The way the underwater seal works is that is contains about 2 cm of water and when the air or gas enters up, or bubbles, through the water it acts as a one way valve (Lewis, 2014). Answering the student nurse’s questions: When do I expect to see bubbles in the underwater seal section of the chest tube drainage system? (what circumstances will cause bubbling in this chamber) Answering the student nurse’s questions: The atrium pleura drain uses the same concepts at the 3 bottle system of chest tube bottles. What is the main function of each of the bottles? Bottle 1 = Bottle 2 = Bottle 3 = Answering the student nurse’s questions: What should I include in the assessment and care of a patient who has a chest tube? (include assessment of the patient as well as the drainage system) Answering the student nurse’s questions: Describe to the student nurse how the chest tube will be removed, how the nurse will assist, and observation and care of the site. Evaluation Your grade for this exercise will be 2% of your grade for this course. Grading will use the rubric below. Maximum points = 36. This webquest is due to be submitted by 1:00 PM, October 17, 2014. Learning Objectives Beginning 1 point Developing 2 points Accomplished 3 points Score Describes the purpose of a tracheostomy including the difference between a regular tube and a fenestrated tube Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Effectively explains the purpose of a tracheostomy and the fenestrated tube Explains the purpose and steps of trach suctioning and cleaning of the inner cannula Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Effectively explains trach suctioning and cleaning of the inner cannula using terms appropriate for patient education Identifies the effects of smoking on the respiratory system Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Identifies only 3 smoking risks on the respiratory system (lungs) Explains effectively to the patient the effect smoking has on their lungs. Identifies the effects of smoking on the body Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Identifies only 3 smoking risks to the body Explains effectively to the patient the effect smoking has on their body. Explains the purpose of the passey-muir valve and how it works. Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Effectively explains purpose of a passey-muir valve and how it works using terms appropriate for patient education Identifies safety precautions for use of a passey-muir valve. Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Identifies only 3 safety precautions Explains safety precautions effectively to the patient. Critiques the difference between the surgical insertion and the percutaneous insertion of the tracheostomy tube Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Clearly critiques the difference in the 2 insertion techniques for tracheostomy insertion. Identifies 3 actual nursing diagnosis using the 3 part format (diagnosis / related to / AEB) Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Nursing diagnoses do not include pertinent diagnoses or format is not followed Identifies 3 actual nursing diagnosis pertinent to this patient in proper format Describes the procedure, performing a thoracentesis Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited Explains the procedure effectively including patient positioning Recognizes normal versus abnormal function of the chest tube system Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Recognizes which chambers bubbling may occur and what that means Describes the function of the 3 bottle chest tube system Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Fully explains the function of each of the 3 bottles Demonstrates knowledge in the care of the patient with a chest tube drain and chest tube removal. Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Explains effectively to the student nurse, how to care for a chest tube drain, including assessment of the patient Conclusion This WebQuest will support learning and application of materials covered in Lewis, Chapters 26, 27, and 28. I hope you found the exercise to be a fun, interesting way to learn. In addition to Web links, you may use your NANDA and Lewis books as needed to support your answers. You must cite references for your answers using APA format. Credits References Ackley, B. J. Ladwig, G. B. (2008). Nursing diagnosis handbook: A guide to planning care (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Elsevier Atrium Chest Drainage Education. Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2. (2012, July 13). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Chest Tube Insertion part 2/2. (2012, July 13). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Lewis, S.M., Heitkemper, M.M., Dirksen, S.R., O’Brien, P.G., Giddens, J.F, Bucher, L. (2007). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St.Louis: Mosby-Elsevier. Lewis, S. M., Dirksen, S. R. (2014). Medical-surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems (Ninth ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. Ocean Drain Education Video. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview. (2007, November 2). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Middleware :: essays research papers

Middleware In the past several decades, a trend has emerged where mid to large size corporations have needed to integrate their existing mainframe systems with their newer PC based information systems. With this shift in focus toward PC based communications and productivity software that became available on the market, companies scrambled for ways to tie PCs and mainframes together. This created the need for middleware. Companies discovered that the hardware and programming, involved in maintaining mainframe systems, was too costly to replace overnight. In addition to the expense, the applications in place for the most part served their purpose and appeared to be much more stable than the personal computers. They maintained master files for customers as well as inventory levels, generated bills and invoices and, with the right programmer and vision, the mainframes could extract just about any information that managers needed. As PCs became more prevalent for a fraction of the cost and with the development of the Internet and a global network, PC applications with productivity software such as Microsoft Office and connection to the Internet have become imperative in almost every business setting. As these resources became available, users such as employees could now access information easily and instantly, share information simultaneously, and communicate both externally and internally through electronic mail. The questions then arose concerning what to do with the expensive mainframe systems and how to permit the PCs to interact. Middleware has become the solution to this problem.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A middleware program is an interface between an application and a server. The most useful are those that allow access to the vast resources stored on the highly developed and expensive mainframe databases with a simple user friendly program, like a web browser. Another example is what Kaiser Permanente implemented to ease the ordering and monitoring of prescriptions. Kaiser bought a NetWeave middleware solution to tie its VAX pharmacy systems to a Tandem master subscriber database to allow subscribers to dial in prescription orders from their touch-tone phones. NetWeave gives us an illustration of how middleware works below. You can find more information on NetWeave at It is clear that with the rapid shift in business focus to pc-based information systems, which the demand for scalability and information on-the-fly, will create a huge demand for middleware.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Shakespeares As You Like It - The Philosophy of Jaques :: Shakespeare As You Like It Essays

The Philosophy of Jaques in As You Like It Jaques is one of the characters in Shakespeare`s comedy As You Like It. We- as audience and readers- learn that although he was previously a libertine, he now seems to have turned to philosophy in his quest for a new identity. As a philosopher he questions much of what he sees around him. At one point Jaques analyses what it is to be a man (II,vii, 60-166). He sees the world as a stage wherein men and women are players, and their different ages represent different acts and scenes in the play. His descriptions suggest that the roles are largely beyond the players` control; that a script for the play has already been written by an exterior force. But there is a sense of contradiction in all this; the stages Jaques outlines for us (presented to his audience as universal) do not account for his own role. Since this is the case we must either presume that Jacques is somehow exceptional or that the roles are not as fixed as people imagine. One can always argue that Jaques is an outcast of some sort. On the other hand, the Duke Senior is eager to offer him a position at court, thereby giving him an opportunity to obtain an acceptable role within the framework of a hierarchical, society, but Jaques turns down the offer. He needs to widen his horizon, and is so imp atient about learning more that he does not even stay to celebrate with the rest of the uke`s men."To see no pastime, I." (V,iv,194). Instead he wants to go to Duke Frederick: "Out of these convertites,/ There is much matter to be hear`d and learn`d" (V,iv,183-184). Jaques has no particular interest in being part of an established society. He creates his own role and his own destiny. By his mere presence in the play we are made aware of the infinite choices that confront human beings in their lives. Rosalind is the only other character in As You Like It who really challenges established roles, but whereas she (in all likelihood) returns to court and is satisfied with the new development (after all, she brought it about), Jacques is unwilling to let go of his freedom and independence introduced to him in the green world. Jaques first attempts to challenge established norms by putting on a fool`s appearance: "O that I were a fool!/ I am ambitious for a motley coat.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Role of A Computer Programmer

Computer programmers write, test, and maintain the detailed instructions, called programs, that computers must follow to perform their functions. They also conceive, design, and test logical structures for solving problems by computer. Many technical innovations in programming-advanced computing technologies and sophisticated new languages and programming tools-have redefined the role of a programmer and elevated much of the programming work done today. Job titles and descriptions may vary, depending on the organization. Computer programs tell the computer what to do, which information to identify and access, how to process it, and what equipment to use. Programs vary widely depending upon the type of information to be accessed or generated. For example, the instructions involved in updating financial records are very different from those required to duplicate conditions on board an aircraft for pilots training in a flight simulator. Although simple programs can be written in a few hours, programs that use complex mathematical formulas, whose solutions can only be approximated, or that draw data from many existing systems may require more than a year of work. In most cases, several programmers work together as a team under a senior programmer's supervision. Programmers write programs according to the specifications determined primarily by computer software engineers and systems analysts. After the design process is complete, it is the job of the programmer to convert that design into a logical series of instructions that the computer can follow. The programmer then codes these instructions in a conventional programming language, such as COBOL; an artificial intelligence language, such as Prolog; or one of the most advanced object-oriented languages such as Java, C++, or Smalltalk. Different programming languages are used depending on the purpose of the program. COBOL, for example, is commonly used for business applications, whereas Fortran (short for â€Å"formula translation†) is used in science and engineering. C++ is widely used for both scientific and business applications. Many programmers at the enterprise level are also expected to know platform-specific languages used in database programming. Programmers generally know more than one programming language and, because many languages are similar, they often can learn new languages relatively easily. In practice, programmers often are referred to by the language they know, as are Java programmers, or the type of function they perform or environment in which they work, which is the case for database programmers, mainframe programmers, or Web programmers. Programmers often are grouped into two broad types, applications programmers and systems programmers. Applications programmers write programs to handle a specific job, such as a program to track inventory within an organization. They may also revise existing packaged software or customize generic applications called middleware. Systems programmers, on the other hand, write programs to maintain and control computer systems software, such as operating systems, networked systems, and database systems. These workers make changes in the sets of instructions that determine how the network, workstations, and central processing unit of the system handle the various jobs they have been given, and how they communicate with peripheral equipment such as terminals, printers, and disk drives. Because of their knowledge of the entire computer system, systems programmers often help applications programmers to determine the source of problems that may occur with their programs. Most systems programmers hold a 4-year degree in computer science. Extensive knowledge of a variety of operating systems is essential for such workers. This includes being able to configure an operating system to work with different types of hardware and having the skills needed to adapt the operating system to best meet the needs of a particular organization. Systems programmers also must be able to work with database systems, such as DB2, Oracle, or Sybase. Programmers in software development companies may work directly with experts from various fields to create software, either programs designed for specific clients or packaged software for general use, ranging from games and educational software to programs for desktop publishing and financial planning. Much of this type of programming takes place in the preparation of packaged software, which constitutes one of the most rapidly growing segments of the computer services industry. In some organizations, particularly small ones, workers commonly known as programmer-analysts are responsible for both the systems analysis and the actual programming work. Advanced programming languages and new object-oriented programming capabilities are increasing the efficiency and productivity of both programmers and users. The transition from a mainframe environment to one that is based primarily on personal computers (PCs) has blurred the once rigid distinction between the programmer and the user. Increasingly, adept end-users are taking over many of the tasks previously performed by programmers. For example, the growing use of packaged software, such as spreadsheet and database management software packages, allows users to write simple programs to access data and perform calculations. Required skills vary from job to job, but the demand for various skills generally is driven by changes in technology. Employers using computers for scientific or engineering applications usually prefer college graduates who have degrees in computer or information science, mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. Graduate degrees in related fields are required for some jobs. Employers who use computers for business applications prefer to hire people who have had college courses in management information systems (MIS) and business and who possess strong programming skills. Although knowledge of traditional languages still is important, employers are placing increasing emphasis on newer, object-oriented programming languages and tools, such as C++ and Java. Additionally, employers are seeking persons familiar with fourth- and fifth-generation languages that involve graphic user interface (GUI) and systems programming. Employers also prefer applicants who have general business skills and experience related to the operations of the firm.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My Family and the Conservative Theory Essay

I believe that my family is a great example of the conservative theory. I was raised by both of my parents who have been married for over thirty years. There was myself and my two sisters that also comprised our household. We lived in Saudi Arabia growing up and are followers of Islam. My father, Mahdi was a geography teacher on the college level, from which he has since retired. My mother taught middle school science. My older sister has been married for over five years and has one three year old child. I am currently attending college and studying finance and my younger sister is attending college and studying accounting. Being part of the Muslim community is part of the conservative nature of my family. We choose to try and live our lives according to the five pillars of Islam. These are the beliefs that the religion was founded upon. The first pillar of Islam is that Allah is complete and supreme oneness and that Muhammad was the great prophet. This one pillar is the foundation for the way that my family chooses to live our lives. We choose to participate in a culture where we are governed by Allah a will to do what is good and morally just. The second pillar of Islam is the establishment of daily prayers. Daily prayers are very important in our culture. They are the communication that we have with Allah and the way that we are guided in how we are going to make decisions. As a follower of Islam we pray five times per day. The third pillar of Islam is concern for the needing. This includes being willing to sacrifice to help others who are less fortunate than we are. It is important in my culture to give to those who are needy and to help them as much as we possibly can. Islam teaches not being selfish and wanting worldly possessions but rather being selfless and always giving of oneself to others. This means that it has never been important to me or my family as to whether or not we are wearing a certain brand of clothing or whether or not we have certain processions. It is not important for us to try to keep up with mainstream society in an attempt to fit in as we believe that our riches are destined for another time and another place. We value saving and are conservative in our spending and shopping habits. The fourth pillar of Islam is self purification through fasting. Fasting is a big part of our beliefs and we are conservative in this area as well. We fast during the month of Ramadan from sun up until sun down. This is to teach us discipline. There is no stronger conservative value than discipline as when we are disciplined we are able to make decisions without feeling the pressure of the outside world. The fifth pillar of Islam is to make a pilgrimage to Mekkah. The pilgrimage to Mekkah is important as we are traveling to the divine spot where Muhammad heard the words of Allah that he used to write the Koran. One of the biggest differences in the Islamic culture that we are a part of in comparison to most other cultures of today is the beliefs that we are taught about dating. Muslim teachings teach us that we are not to date until we are in the confines of marriage. It is against our teachings to go out on dates or to have premarital sex as these behaviors are considered worldly and a poisoning of ourselves and we are to be a temple to Allah. In our culture we start a dua when we want to start dating. This means that we ask Allah to send us a mate with whom we will make a good match with. We believe that Allah’s divine wisdom will allow us to meet our perfect match. I believe that a man and woman are created to be able to find the one perfect match for you who will give you spiritual unity and peace. When someone in my family is looking for a partner with whom to share their life with, the whole family becomes involved. It is still important to find someone who we are going to connect with and get along with and having a person chosen for us is not a way of controlling who we date but rather a way of keeping us from making the mistake of bad relationships and having to suffer through the pain of heartache. The overall idea is that by keeping ourselves pure and clean and not being in a physical relationship with anyone we are able to find a partner who truly is the best match for us emotionally. We also are able to find the one true partner that Allah has created for us by not letting physical attraction or other decisions get in our way. We remain pure for those who we are going to marry and yes this does mean that we do not believe in premarital sexual intercourse or sexual relationships in any way. My family is very conservative in the area of dating as both my sister and her husband and my mother and father are part of marriages that were arranged. My family also does not believe in divorce. We believe that if you truly are with the person that Allah has placed you with then there is no reason for divorce from that person. Growing up following the practices of Islam has made me a much more conservative person than most of my peers. I believe that those who commit crimes should be punished to the full extent. One heated subject for today’s culture has been the idea of corporal punishment and I am in favor of this practice when it is used for the correct reasons and within the realms of the law. I feel that this is the conservative approach on this topic, following the adage if you â€Å"can’t do the time then don’t do the crime. † I also am against abortion which is another topic of heated debate today. Abortion is something that is not allowed through the practices of Islam and something that would never be okay for me or anyone in my family. Homosexuality is also popular today and in the faith of Islam it is not allowed as it is considered a true sin. However it is also a sin to perform any type of sexual act outside of marriage as sexual acts are supposed to be for the purpose of creating a family. My family has not had children out of wedlock. My family has always worked hard to uphold themselves to the moral standards of Islam. Some of this has been difficult as I have always had to think of the moral debate to a subject and how I could justify my decision within my faith. I was raised to be respectful to my parents and could not have said some of those things that I have heard other students talk about saying to their parents. I have always been raised that without my parents I would not be anything and that I needed to uphold the utmost respect for them and their decisions in life. Even when I have disagreed with things that my parents have said, I will still give them the respect of listening to their decision without question. I have always known that my family was different from the other families that I have been witness to since moving to the US. Since we have always practiced Islam and since I grew up in Saudi Arabia I did not realize that we were so much more conservative than other families. Being a part of a conservative family has taught me many things, including that I have values and principals that I am not willing to let down for any reason. I want to follow the teachings of Allah and I want to preserve a culture that I feel reacts in a better way too many of the controversial issues of today. There are all kinds of issues that have to be dealt with on a regular basis when someone is growing up in today’s culture. In a way it is nice to not have to worry about some of these issues as they are behaviors that are not permitted by Islam therefore they are behaviors that I have never thought about being involved in. I do not date and I am a virgin and therefore I find that I am a part of a subgroup within the US culture that is unique in itself. Stating that I am simply conservative might be an understatement as I believe that Allah has better for me and that I should uphold myself to the highest moral standards in order to be able to please him and find my end reward later after this life has ended. I also believe that I have been taught unique values which have carried over into my conservative way of thinking. I was raised by both of my parents who are still married and I have watched my older sister attempt to have the same life that we did growing up. I am hopeful that one day Allah will speak and that I will find my mate and be able to fulfill my life as well.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Romanesque Architecture and Renaissance Architecture Compared Essay

Romanesque Architecture and Renaissance Architecture Compared - Essay Example This paper evaluates historic movements such as Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Islamic and mannerism, and seeks further to compare and contrast some architectural designs and artworks of these movements. Answer to Question one Romanesque architecture The term Romanesque architecture describes the building style adopted between 800AD to 1100 AD. One of the finest Romanesque architecture buildings in England is the Durham Cathedral and is often regarded as the leading Romanesque building in the world (Kimball & Edgell 251). The composite piers, of the cathedral, are alternated with drum columns, flying buttresses or lateral abutments all concealed within the triforium over the isles. These characteristics were highly inspired by the religious fervor of the Romanesque architecture period. Therefore, the design shows the Christian values which were highly valued by the people of the time. Gothic architecture Gothic architecture is an architectural style that was most common during the early and late medieval period from 12th century through 16th century. An example of a Gothic architecture is the Cologne cathedral, which dates back in the early 19th century (Kimball & Edgell 260). The geometrical and mathematical nature of the construction is indicative of the orderly universe, which is laid logically and with rationality. The statue, the sculptural decoration, stained glass and murals incorporate the creative genius as portrayed by the old and new testaments. The building and its style emphasize the religious nature of the people and the way they valued God’s power and creative works of logic. Renaissance architecture Renaissance architecture started in the fifteenth century through the early seventeenth century and replaced Gothic architecture. An example of renaissance architecture is the Palladio's Basilica in Vicenza, Italy (Kimball & Edgell 258). The church has orderly arrangement of columns, pilasters and lintels. There is the use of hemispherical d omes, which are all characteristics of the renaissance architecture (Kimball & Edgell 252). All these details were used to emphasize solid and spatial relationship where the idea of harmony leads to free and imaginative rhythms. The details of the style especially in the church building were more civic than spiritual. This feeling, therefore, emphasizes the blending of religious and secular values of the people of the time. Answer to Question two Islamic architecture incorporates both secular and religious styles from the time when Islam was founded to date and is extensively used in the shrines of Mecca and Medina (Bloom & Blair 152). Comparing the Fatimid’s architecture used in Bab al-Futuh gate and the Gothic architecture at the entrance of Carmo Church in Lisbon, Portugal, there are notable differences. Bab al-Futuh gate has a hemispherical dome while the main entrance of Carmo church has a pointed arch. In content, the Gothic architecture is created to give less democrac y in the religious sense, while the mosque architecture emphasizes freedom and secularism (Bloom & Blair 159). Therefore, the sense of holiness elicited by the two gates varies from the outside details depending on the gate architectural style. The form and content of the two are seen in the materials used, the color designs, murals employed and the emphasized details with regards to logical arrangements, balance and creativity. Answer to Question three These two works of art represent the two periods; the early Northern Renaissance and the early Italian Renaissance respectively. These two artworks are different in form. The first element that differentiates their form is the painting details, which are emphasized by

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

One page reflection -Holland's Code Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

One page reflection -Holland's Code - Article Example The Realistic element calls for physical involvement in one’s career or vocation, an aspect that makes it vital for the counselor to inform the client about the most important attributes of being Realistic or Doer. The idea is to call the client’s attention to the fact that Doers are practical and independent, and they do well in manually demanding careers. At a personal level, Holland’s Code is undoubtedly relevant and informative. Holland’s guide will go a long way in helping me evaluate my personality and subsequently match my personality type with my career goals and objectives. At the same time, this guide will play a key role in enhancing my personal understanding of job diversity, as well as opportunities that are best for me in the job market. In the process, I hope to improve my academic and career growth and development for a successful future. Ultimately, my future success will capitalize on my personality

Monday, October 7, 2019

BUS503 - Org. Change and Transformation Mod 5 SLP Essay

BUS503 - Org. Change and Transformation Mod 5 SLP - Essay Example Companies that attempt a change fail because of the unexpected barriers so it is important to understand them. Though these leaders are not effective, they have been there a long time and they are well known by everyone. There will certainly be some individual contribution to putting up barriers to this part of the change. There will be disbelief, anger, and reluctance on the part of the employees. The board will be to initiate this change right away. They will have to establish a sense of urgency, assuring that the plan is fully defined and skillfully present the plan to the hospital. They will have to be sure to include all of the benefits this transition will bring to the hospital employees. Publicize any success that is possible right away (Jick & Peiperl, 2007) and try to separate the change from the past. There are both individual and structural barriers here. There will be a sense of loss of power to that management group that is left which is essentially an individual barrier. The mid level directors for example. This fear of loss of power will also cause a barrier to the change with managers dragging their feet and even manipulating to cause problems with the change. This will need to be handled right away not allowed to sit so it will not get out of hand. Bringing this group in ahead of time and showing them what the change could mean for them and for their staff will be very important. It will be important here also to establish a sense of urgency in convincing the management staff of this change. Incentives are a good thing to use in this instance assuring that both formal and informal leaders are on the side of the change. Complacency cannot be tolerated during this process and it is essential to assure that everyone is on the side of the change (Kotter, 2007). The board will need to continue to bring about this part of the change. Once the management and senior management group are aligned and the plan is organized

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Marketing plan as the main part of the business strategy Essay

Marketing plan as the main part of the business strategy - Essay Example Markets and products have become extremely fragmented. There are hundreds of special-interest magazines, for example, each targeted to a very specific market segment. It's the same with restaurants, cars and retail clothing stores, just to name a few industries. Positioning your product competitively requires an understanding of this fragmented market. Not only must you be able to describe your product, you must also be able to describe your competitor's product and show why yours is better. Positioning your product involves two steps. First, analyze your product's features, and decide how they differentiate your product from its competitors. Second, decide what type of buyer is most likely to purchase your product. Pricing and placement are critical to competitive positioning. In today's marketing culture, pricing cannot be separated from the product. Take grocery stores, for example. The full-service supermarket is still the most popular form of grocery distribution. But today, busy families want faster service and more convenience, even if it means higher prices. As a result, convenience stores, home delivery services, personal shoppers and takeout restaurants have proliferated. At the same time, warehouse grocery retailing has also increased. Warehouse stores cater to customers who prefer low prices to convenience. Describe your target customer. Developing a profile of your target customer is the second step in an effective marketing plan. You can describe customers in terms of demographics-age, sex, family composition, earnings and geographical location-as well as lifestyle. Ask: Are my customers conservative or innovative Leaders or followers Timid or aggressive Traditional or modern Introverted or extroverted How often do they purchase what I offer How much of it at a time Are there peak buying periods or times of the year when people won't buy my product or service Conclusion The simple truth is that the type of ad that pays off immediately will work less and less well the longer you keep running it. And the ad that will make customers think of you immediately when they need what you sell (true branding) usually doesn't begin showing any encouraging results for at least some weeks. These are the ads that will work better and better the longer you keep running them. But most advertisers will cancel these ads after some weeks. The thing to remember when developing your marketing plan is that you're not looking for what works. Every type of advertising works to one degree or another. What you're looking for is the best long-term use of your ad budget. Then you have to develop an advertising message within your marketing plan. The questions you're trying to answer are these: "What do we need to say to the customer and how often do we need to say it And which media will give us the most efficient long-term